Daily D – Acts 20:22-24

by | Oct 14, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Acts 20:22-24  
“And now I am on my way to Jerusalem, compelled by the Spirit, not knowing what I will encounter there, except that in every town the Holy Spirit warns me that chains and afflictions are waiting for me. But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.” (CSB)

“But there is another urgency before me now. I feel compelled to go to Jerusalem. I’m completely in the dark about what will happen when I get there. I do know that it won’t be any picnic, for the Holy Spirit has let me know repeatedly and clearly that there are hard times and imprisonment ahead. But that matters little. What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.” (CSB)

Paul lived a compelling life. The Holy Spirit was an irresistible force pushing him forward. A great adventure was set before him. There were going to be some hard parts. He would be chained and imprisoned. However, he knew that was not the end of the story. 

Paul’s time in prison was fruitful and effective. He wrote broadly. He talked to everyone about Jesus. He welcomed friends new and old. He fought the good fight. He finished the race. He kept the faith. (See 2 Timothy 4:6-8). 

Simon Sinek writes and speaks about knowing your Why ([https://bit.ly/3BN1lGc](https://bit.ly/3BN1lGc)). He says that knowing why you are here empowers you for any What. Paul certainly knew his Why. He lived it even in prison and under house arrest. He lived it all the way to the end. He endured all of the difficulties and discomforts because he was placed on this earth to “testify to the gospel of God’s grace.” 

The Message paraphrases these words well: 

“What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.”

* How does God’s “incredibly extravagant generosity” compel you? 
* What is his calling on your life? 
* What one thing can you do today to declare God’s gracious goodness?

I will declare God’s gracious goodness every day for the rest of my life.

Our Father, your grace is extravagant. It compels us to declare your goodness. Make us carriers of your rich generosity everywhere we go. Amen. 


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