Daily D – Proverbs 16:6

by | Jun 6, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Proverbs 16:6
Iniquity is atoned for by loyalty and faithfulness,
and one turns from evil by the fear of the LORD. (CSB)

By mercy and truth atonement is made for wrongdoing,
And by the fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil. (NASB)

Guilt is banished through love and truth;
Fear-of-God deflects evil. (MSG)

Loyalty and faithfulness are attributes of God. They are among his defining characteristics. The way to atone, to become one heart with God, is to imitate in all sincerity his very nature. Loyal love and constant faithfulness enrich every relationship.

The fear of the LORD is the attitude and lifestyle of awe toward God. Remember for a moment some of the absolute best moments of your life. God, the Giver of All Good Things, made all those good and perfect gifts available for you to enjoy. And, there’s more where that came from.

Last summer, our granddaughter Lucy and I arose before the rest of our family during our trip to Hawaii. We sat on the balcony each morning enjoying the unceasing tides and waves of deepest blue caressing the beaches. We observed the moon sink into the watery depths as the sun’s rays triumphantly blazed above the mountains. Birds sang. Breezes blew. Lucy and I soaked it in.

Today, I am enjoying an enhanced ability to walk. After a procedure on my neck last week, I came home unable to stand up straight are walk without pain. Another procedure yesterday helped move me toward a pleasant resolution of these issues.

Yesterday’s procedure also made me a bit loopy. I discovered that I never finished or hit SEND on yesterday’s devotional. I distinctly remember sitting here and writing. Something interrupted me, and I never retraced my steps to my desk chair and keyboard. It was one of those days. Anesthesia sometimes fogs the senses.

My senses are clear today. The translations and paraphrase of this verse found above give us good guidance. The better we see God for who he is, and the more we reflect his attributes, the smoother, better, and more loving are our lives. This verse has fog-cutter clarity.

I will see clearly now.

Our Father, sometimes my vision is unclear. My sin and the sin of others are like the clouds in my coffee, as Carly Simon sang. Your brilliance and beauty drive away disorienting darkness. Your clarity reminds me that I belong to you. It also reminds me of your true nature and character. I hunger and thirst for more of you. Thank you for filling my life with your goodness. Amen.


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