Daily D – Psalm 61:5-7

by | Dec 14, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

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Psalm 61:5-7  God, you have heard my vows; you have given a heritage to those who fear your name. Add days to the king’s life; may his years span many generations. May he sit enthroned before God forever. Appoint faithful love and truth to guard him. (CSB)

Our Father in heaven most often answers our prayers better than we pray them. This happened again yesterday in our family. A job offer arrived which checked every box on the list of what was sought. Additionally, a couple of items that were not asked for were included making the deal all the sweeter. 

It is good to read this ancient song from the beginning. David the shepherd, warrior, and king asks God to “hear my cry; pay attention to my prayer,” (verse 1). He was far from home and had come to the end of his capacity (verse 2). He asked God for more than he himself could ever provide (verses 2 and 3). He wanted to know the assurance of God’s protection forever (verse 4). 

Here he pauses and reflects. If David were a contemporary worship leader, this is where he would place the bridge with a guitar solo. 

When he resumes the vocals, he declares, “God, you have heard my vows; you have given a heritage to those who fear your name,” (verse 5). God heard and answered his prayer with more, so much more, than David asked. Beyond the immediate salvation and provision for David in his moment of extremity, God would provide a heritage, an inheritance, One to come who would “sit enthroned before God forever,” (verse 7). 

Faithful love and truth would guard him. The Apostle John wrote centuries later in his opening reflections on the life of Jesus, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth,” (John 1:14). 

David appears to have in mind the same thing God placed in the mind of Isaiah in 9:6, 7:

For a child will be born for us,
A son will be given to us,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
He will be named
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Eternal Father, 
Prince of Peace.
The dominion will be vast,
and its prosperity will never end.
He will reign on the throne of David
and over his kingdom,
to establish and sustain it
with justice and righteousness from now on and forever.
The zeal of the LORD of Armies will accomplish this.

Our Father in heaven answered David’s prayer better than he prayed it. Jesus was God’s answer, his Greater Yes. Jesus was the One worth waiting for. Jesus is the reason for the season two thousand years after his birth, three thousand years after David’s prayer. God is still answering David’s prayer. 

Two powerful lessons:
1. God answers our prayers better than we pray them.
2. God answers our prayers now and forever.

I will pray with more than one horizon.

Our Father, once again we come to you and say what Jesus’ disciples said: “Teach us to pray.” Amen. 


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“Neither one,” he replied. “I am the commander of the Lord’s army.” At this, Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence.
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and I was all torn up inside.
I was so foolish and ignorant—
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire you more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever.”