Daily D – Psalm 128:1-2
How happy is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways! You will surely eat what your hands have worked for. You will be happy, and it will go well for you.
PSALM 128:1-2 (CSB)
All you who fear GOD, how blessed you are!
How happily you walk on this smooth straight road!
You worked hard and deserve all you’ve got coming.
Enjoy the blessing! Revel in the goodness!
(The Message)
Now and again, you have a good day. We enjoyed several this past weekend.
After our weekend trip to spend time with our granddaughter and her parents, we enjoyed a smooth flight home and a glad reunion with our daughter and son-in-law and our dogs. Our dogs were especially happy to come home. They were exhausted after playing all weekend with Indie, our daughter and son-in-law’s Golden Doodle.
While we were in California, our granddaughter led us around the park. She dutifully took us by the finger and showed us her favorite activities. She loves the swings and slides. She has a particular celebration upon touching down at the base of the slide. She grabs two hands full of mulch and tosses it in the air like confetti. We should never stop celebrating victories large and small.
The writer of this psalm points out that walking with God, following his ways, is the pathway of blessing and good things. Life goes well when we go with God. This does not mean that we do not have problems. What it does mean is that we reduce our problems and worries and concerns by taking the right lead measures of following God’s clear directions.
God’s ways lead to the good life.
Today is going to be a good day. Tonight you will write something good in your gratitude journal, maybe even two or three things. Be on the lookout today for where God proves his love, his kindness, and his generosity in your life. Mark it down. Give your future self a place to stand when you meet a challenge requiring faith and fortitude.
I will celebrate victories large and small.
Our Father, you are the giver of all good things. Life works best when we walk with you. Take us by the hand today and show us your wonders. Show us the way we should go. Direct our steps. We look forward to ending this day with gratitude and praise. Amen.
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