Daily D – Proverbs 30:5

Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection. PROVERBS 30:5 (NLT)
“Do you trust me?” Aladdin asked Jasmine.
“Trust me,” Eddie Murphy’s character Axel Foley says in _Beverly Hills Cop_.
Neither Al nor Axel proved himself to be completely trustworthy.
How do we prove our trust and trustworthiness these days? We execute contracts. This is not the highest form of trust. Contracts say, “Sure, I trust you. Let me verify that I can trust you by placing some protections between us in case you are not trustworthy.”
This is most often a necessary way of doing business. It is amazing how often people forget what they said they would do. Contracts help us clarify expectations. We know who is doing what when and how much it will cost. Remedies and stipulations and other weasel words are added so that when things do not go according to plan, we know what to do to straighten out those matters.
I overheard a conversation, not a confidential one, at a place of business recently. There were long paragraphs of legalese and the company representative was explaining what each said. He was talking as fast as those guys on television at the end of some commercials when they have to tell you the legal stuff but they talk so fast that you cannot understand what they just said.
This guy was summarizing swiftly and the woman he was talking to was signing the document before she ever heard him say “binding arbitration.” With this, certain legal options were removed should a conflict arise between the business and the woman regarding the enforcement of the contract. I hope she never hears, “I’m sorry ma’am, you signed the contract.”
In the good old days, a promise made was a promise kept. A handshake was more powerful than any written, signed, notarized, and filed document.
Some statements are still completely trustworthy. When we hear them, we know we can depend on them. God’s words are always true. He cannot and will not lie, dissemble, deceive, distort, evade, fabricate, misrepresent, or perjure himself.
Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Our Father in heaven can do anything but fail. When he says it, it is settled. He proved his love and veracity with the incarnation (nativity), the cross, the resurrection, and the ascension.
If he asks you, “Do you trust me?” The correct answer is always, “Yes.”
If he commands you, “Trust me,” trust him.
If he asks you to jump, enjoy the fall. He will never fail to catch you.
Every word of God proves true. His truth protects you. This is faith. Faith is more than saying you believe something that may sound a little farfetched. Faith is complete trust that what God says is true, right, just, gracious, merciful, and perfect in every way. He is the definition of trustworthy.
I will trust whatever God says.
Our Father, your words are true. They are trustworthy. Whatever you ask, I say Yes. Thank you for giving us truth to stand upon in a world shaped by the shifting sands of political correctness and cancel culture. Amen.
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