Daily D – Psalm 34:3

by | Jul 7, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 34:3  
“Proclaim the Lord’s greatness with me; 
let us exalt his name together.” (CSB)

“Magnify the LORD with me! 
Together let us lift his name up high!” (CEB)

It’s Sunday, a day of worship and rest. It’s a day to gather with those who follow Jesus to celebrate together how good our God is. It’s a day for singing and learning, a day for sharing one another’s joys and lifting each other’s burdens. 

This verse defines praise well. We see two distinct aspects of this word. First, we proclaim how good God is. We magnify God. We declare God’s greatness in song, teaching, and preaching. 

Magnify means to increase out of true proportion. This is impossible when it comes to God’s greatness. Even so, we use eyeglasses and magnifying glasses to see clearly and to examine carefully. When we see God for who he is and experience God in what he does, we simply must praise him. We share our praises with those who have likewise seen and experienced his glory.

Second, we praise God best in the company of others. Walking with Jesus should seldom be a solo venture. We should always invite others into this journey. Singing God’s praises works best when only he can distinguish my voice from others. 

Worship exalts God. It places the focus fully on him. It reminds us of just how good he is. Collective worship teaches us that everything is not always about us. There are multitudes of others living their own dramas requiring their own direction from God. 

This may be the Sunday with the lowest attendance all summer. It is still a good day to proclaim God’s goodness and to exalt him with our focused attention and joyful praise. 

I will magnify God’s greatness and sing his praise with others who know and love him.

Our Father, thank you for the opportunity to join with others today to see you for who you are and to celebrate your goodness with focused attention and joyful songs. Amen. 


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