Daily D – Judges 16:20

Judges 16:20 Then she cried, “Samson, the Philistines are here!” When he awoke from his sleep, he said, “I will escape as I did before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the LORD had left him. (CSB)
There are certain things we cannot not know.
First among these things is this: We dare not miss God’s empowering and guiding presence.
Samson was a gift from God for an infertile couple (Judges 13:1-5). He was a special gift with a special mission. He was to live a life separated to God’s service. Samson had a tendency to step into the Self-Service line. He was powerful. He was also reckless and undisciplined.
It appears Samson believed his life calling was all about him. His self-focused lifestyle and his complete lack of conscious awareness of God’s presence led to his humiliation and death. Spider-Man got it right: With great power comes great responsibility.
The worst thing about Samson’s wasted life is found in the last line of the verse above: “But he did not know that the LORD had left him.”
God is more interested in being known and experienced than we are in knowing and experiencing him. Too often, people want to know and experience God on their own terms. They want to know and experience God in their own timing. They want to know and experience God as a personal benefit, not as part of God’s purpose in expressing his love and offering his salvation to everyone everywhere.
The most convicting question of the day: Would you recognize if God had left you?
The most renewing action of the day: Ask God to awaken your heart and mind to his presence and purpose in all things.
I will seek to know and experience God in all things.
Our Father, I want to know and experience you. Please give me your perspective on all things. Give me strength to carry out your purpose for my life. Deliver me from undisciplined and reckless living. Amen.
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