Daily D – Psalm 40:8

by | Jul 11, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 40:8  “I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.” (NLT)

I know a lot of useless information. My bride refuses to play Trivial Pursuit with me unless she is on my team. I gather tidbits of this and unrelated facts about that the way professors gather knowledge. This did not make sense until I took the StrengthsFinder assessment. 

This assessment has been revised several times. You can find and take the assessment through this link: [https://bit.ly/3JPAMB2]

One of my top strengths is Input. Here is what the assessment says about this strength: “People with Input (CliftonStrengths • StrengthsFinder) talents are extremely curious people who is always trying to know more about this world. You are constantly acquiring information, facts and knowledge about many topics you are interested in.”

Yep. And I’m pretty sure “is” should be replaced by “are.”

My top strength is Learner. Here is what the assessment says about this strength: “People exceptionally talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. The process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.”

So there you have it. I am a Trivia Master. Real knowledge may come and go, but useless information endures forever. Come to think of it, if someone used these words to describe me, I might ought to be offended. 

King David did not share my strengths. His tended toward knowing and experiencing God from an early age. What he learned by heart was God’s instructions. No useless information for him. No random research about sheep, grass, bugs, and a propensity for wandering off. He Who Would Be King had a royal appetite for God’s words of truth and life.

King David did not merely enjoy good preaching, he took it to heart. He listened deeply, memorized it completely, and let it shape his life. I’m pretty sure that’s what God wants for each of us. 

This brings up an important question: What is your Bible memory plan? Do you memorize verses, passages, and chapters regularly? The Bible reading plan I am using this year from The Bible Project will finish its tour through the Psalms in the next day or two. This time through, I have been highlighting the words, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His love endures forever.” These words show up again and again throughout the psalms and throughout the rest of the Bible. 

These words show up so often, we get the idea they are highlighting defining characteristics of the LORD our God. He is Good. His Love Endures Forever. This is rock-solid truth. No trivia here. No useless information. This is the bedrock we can build our lives upon. This is truth that is always true no matter what. God is good. His love endures forever. 

Nothing we will ever experience cannot be turned to our good by the heart, mind, and hands of God. (Remember, commit to memory, Romans 8:28.)

God loves us forever and likes us for always. (Remember, commit to memory, Romans 8:29—39.)

Know this whether you are beginning your day, stuck in the middle of it, or reflecting on your way to bed: God is good and he loves you forever. This is settled truth.

Look ahead, look around, look back and know this truth is more important than any factoid you will ever commit to memory. This will shape your life for good and for love. You will reflect God’s character back to him and to everyone you meet. You will be able to say with King David, “I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.”

I will take joy in doing God’s will, for he is writing his instructions on my heart.

Our Father, here is my heart. Write your instructions on it. Teach me. More than random facts and useless information, shape me by your words of truth and life. I want to think your thoughts after you. I want to lead from these strengths. I want to know and experience this wonderful world you have created through the lens of your perfect love and everlasting goodness. Amen. 


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