Daily D – Psalm 145:17-18

by | Oct 22, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 145;17, 18  The LORD is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness. The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. (NLT)

Righteous and kind, close and attentive is our God. 

This is a great psalm for this Sunday morning. These are good words to lead us into corporate worship with our church family. They are good words to remember when Monday’s alarm alerts us to wakefulness while it is still dark. This is a good prayer and song to sing daily, reminding us of God’s nature and character. 

We can trust God to do the right thing. 

We can trust his activity in our lives to be guided by his perfect love and overflowing kindness.

We can know that we are never out of his care, never too far for him to take notice of our lives and to answer our prayers.

We can rest in the freedom of telling God the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth because he already knows all that and more and loves us in spite of it. 

Let us sing songs of praise.

Let us pray prayers of gratitude. 

Let us live in full alignment with God’s nature and character.

I will praise God for who he is and thank him for all he does.

Our Father, your righteousness and kindness are good gifts to us. Not only are you perfect in every way, but you are also kindly disposed toward us. Not only are you closer than we imagine, but you are fully attentive and ready to respond to our prayers truthfully uttered. Thank you for these thoughts to guide us into corporate worship and our daily lives. Amen. 


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