Daily D – John 18:38-40

by | Nov 11, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

John 18:38-40  “What is truth?” Pilate asked. 
Then he went out again to the people and told them, “He is not guilty of any crime. But you have a custom of asking me to release one prisoner each year at Passover. Would you like me to release this ‘King of the Jews’?” 
But they shouted back, “No! Not this man. We want Barabbas!” 
(Barabbas was a revolutionary.) (NLT)

Revolutionaries get more votes than peacemakers. A few more revolutionaries and peacemaking will be unnecessary. 

Words have weight. Remember, there are those awaiting a signal to amplify veiled threats through destructive behavior. Take care how you listen. Give caution to what you repeat. 

It is entirely possible to seek a strong leader and find a murderous revolutionary instead. The history books so many students have ignored for generations are full of the same story played out on local stages and worldwide.

There is truth. Ultimate, final, authoritative truth is real. Pilate looked the Way, the Truth, and the Life in the eye and condemned him to die. His was a minor role in the snuffing out of the Light of the World, but he played it to perfection. Like so many politicians since, he wished there was more he could do. However, Jesus simply had to die. Bye-bye!

Poor ol’ Pontius! I wonder whatever became of him. History is so unkind to wishy-washy men who allow the crowds to lead the way.

Brutal Barabbas – I wonder how many more deaths he was responsible for? I wonder if he discovered what the death of Jesus did that his revolutionizing could not? 

We are a year away from the next edition of The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes. Just a thought, but maybe we stay away from revolutionaries and wishy-washy politarchs?

I will not vote for revolutionaries or wishy-washy politarchs.

Our Father, bless us with the leaders we need, not the leaders we deserve. Raise up men and women of integrity and character who will do the right thing the right way for the right reason. Give us the wisdom to work for peace. Thank you for blessing the peacemakers. Amen. 


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