Daily D – Joshua 5:10-13

by | Mar 6, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Joshua 5:10-13  While the Israelites camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho, they observed the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month. The day after Passover they ate unleavened bread and roasted grain from the produce of the land. And the day after they ate from the produce of the land, the manna ceased. Since there was no more manna for the Israelites, they ate from the crops of the land of Canaan that year. (CSB)

Where God guides, God provides. What and how he provides changes according to our life situations and where we are in our life missions. 

Manna like dew and water from flint rock had been the norm for forty years of wilderness wandering. Now, the people would have a land with flowing streams and abundant crops. To acknowledge who was their Provider, they were to present the first fruits of these resources as an offering of gratitude and worship. 

For forty years in the wilderness, God taught his people to hunger and thirst for him. Now, in the land flowing with milk and honey, he wanted them to continue hungering and thirsting for him while acknowledging how every good and perfect gift had come from his hand. 

Passover reminded them of what had been. They were slaves in Egypt. Firstfruits, or harvest, reminded them of how God provides all they need. What is our logical response? Praise and thanksgiving are the settled disposition of those who know where the journey began, where they now stand, and where they are bound by God’s direction and provision. 

This leads us to trust God from the bottom of our hearts. We belong to him. We are the children he delights in. He is completely trustworthy now and forever. 

Hunger for more of God.
Expect God to speak to your heart and to lead your steps.
Acknowledge him for who he is and what he does.
Respond to his loving guidance with obedience.
Trust him from the bottom of your heart. 

  • Where are you in your life journey? 
  • What are your best next steps?
  • What do you need to fulfill your life mission?
  • How will you receive God’s gifts with thanksgiving and praise?

(Hat Tip to Becky Biser for the HEART acrostic.)

I will hunger and thirst for more of God.

Our Father, you are the Giver of All Good Things. You provide what we need as you guide and lead. Thank you. I will praise you every day. Amen. 


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