Daily D – Psalm 107:1

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 107:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. (NLT)

Our family has so much to thank God for today. We have known our losses. Dearest loved ones have taken their best next step from earth to heaven. Precious possessions have been lost. Meaningful relationships have fractured. Some hopes and a few dreams no longer matter.

Despite the losses and setbacks, the failures and foolishness, God has been better to us than we would have been to ourselves.

My bride and I returned yesterday from a week and a half in South Africa. Good friendships were deepened. New friendships were formed. Wonderful ministries found renewed focus. Many more lives are being changed for now and forever.

God’s craftsmanship and artistry were on full display there where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian. Mountains rise, seas roar, waves roll, and breath is released in glorious gasps. 

So much kindness came our way from friends old and new. So much laughter warmed our hearts and shaped our precious memories. So many meals left us with more thanksgiving than we offered before we indulged. Who knew every meal could be a work of art in the hands of a master chef and his staff?

God’s wonders wandered around us as we encountered more elephants than we could count and more lions, leopards, and water buffalo than we ever imagined encountering. More birds, reptiles, and antelope of several species surrounded us than we could have hoped for. Monkeys played around us. One point-blank stared at me and wondered why I was sitting in his swing. 

Casual conversations over biltong and sweets far away from fences and up close and personal with everything wild as the sun set strengthened our faith and steeled our resolve to build a better world. 

We are 326 days into this year. My gratitude journal is bursting. My heart is full. My thanksgiving overflows. 

Today, a significant chair will remain empty. A gathering rehearsed over generations will be unattended. Special dishes and treats exist only in memory. 

Loss is painful. Gain is sure. Heaven is real. 

A South African man of prominence and significance who is actively doing his part to build a better world said, “I admire American Thanksgiving. It is bigger than Christmas. It reminds us of all that is good and comes from God’s hand.”


There are so many details left out of these brief paragraphs. There are so many stories recalled but not told. There are so many fresh realizations that on this day in particular drive us to our knees with gratitude. 

Thanksgiving reminds us how heaven begins with a feast. Dad’s dressing, fudge, peanut brittle, may well show up on the menu. Mom’s cakes, pies, and oatmeal cookies (without raisins) may well be there. Let me stop here before I forget someone’s special additions. 

May you experience joy today as you turn your heart to God in Thanksgiving for memories made and memories to come.

With thanksgiving for you,

I will give thanks to God for he is good and his love endures forever.

Our Father, thank you. These simple words initiate memories and moments only you and I share. They remind me of so many good things shared with so many good people. They lead me to live with gratitude day by day and moment by moment. Thank you for so may good things that have come to us from your hand. Amen. 


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